
今日同大家分享下2018最令人期待十大電影, 套套都卡士十足,劇力萬鈞,大家實唔洗頭痕,下半年周末大把節目!

Almost half of 2018 has passed, hang in there! Here is a list of the top 10 movies to anticipate and brighten up your remaining months of 2018!

the incredibles 2 disney GIF超人特攻隊2 Incredibles 2


We did our waiting. 14 years of it. In Azkaban. Hardcore fans like us already have our costumes, figurines, and tickets ready for Incredibles 2. Unlike the 2004 masterpiece, Helen Parr (Elastic Girl / Mrs. Incredible) will take the spotlight in this sequel. Watch as Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible) navigates through the day-to-day heroics of “normal” life with Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack who has yet to allow his superpowers to fully emerge.

In Hong Kong theatres July 19, 2018 (Thursday).

大黃蜂 Bumblebee

Michael Bay手下嘅變形金剛因為劇情不濟,票房愈來愈差。今次大黃蜂就請黎新導演Travis Knight坐陣, 將電影背景設定80年代,講述大黃蜂藏身喺加州小鎮嘅廢物收集站俾女主角Hailee Steinfeld發現,隨後將大黃蜂修理,一齊展開驚險旅程。想知今次套戲會唔會有驚喜,年尾1227日就會有得睇!

Our favorite yellow Transformer is on the run. Set in the year 1987, Bumblebee the Autobot seeks refuge in a junkyard in a small California beach town. Charlie, on the brink of turning 18 years old and trying to find her place in the world, soon discovers the battle-scarred and broken Bumblebee. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns that this is no ordinary yellow Volkswagen.

In Hong Kong theatres December 27, 2018 (Thursday).

毒魔 Venom

Marvel第一次開拍反派角色獨立電影,主角就係蜘蛛俠嘅死對頭──毒魔(Venom)喇。呢套電影根據同名漫畫改編,講述 Eddie Brock因為工作上妒忌蜘蛛俠,所以就同毒魔結合成邪惡的Venom,變成好似暗黑版蜘蛛俠一樣。Mavel首次有反派角色擔大旗,唔知又會唔會延續到超級英雄嘅熱潮?想知就1018號入戲院睇啦!

One of Marvel’s most enigmatic, complex and badass characters comes to the big screen, starring Academy Award-nominated actor Tom Hardy as the lethal protector Venom. Who is Venom? The character is a sentient alien with an amorphous, liquid-like form, who requires a host for its survival. You may recognize him as a villain from the 2007 feature film Spider-Man 3.

In Hong Kong theatres October 18, 2018 (Thursday).

特務戇J:神級歸位 Johnny English Strikes Again

豆先生呢個角色雖然來自英國,但搞笑形象早已深入民心,對於香港人黎講親切感十足。今年特務戇J將會喺920再次回歸,講到英國受到網絡攻擊,所有臥底特工身份曝光,令享受緊退休生活嘅Johnny English被逼回歸,拯救陷入水深火熱嘅國家。今次特務戇J仲大玩高科技虛擬實境(VR),唔知又會搞出幾多笑料?

The new adventure begins when a cyber attack reveals the identities of all active undercover agents in Britain, leaving Johnny English as the secret service’s last hope. Called out of retirement, English dives headfirst into action with the mission to find the mastermind hacker. As a man with few skills and analog methods, Johnny English must overcome the challenges of modern technology to make this mission a success.

In Hong Kong theatres September 20, 2018 (Thursday).

Image result for halloween returns 2018月光光心慌慌 Halloween Returns

1978 年上映嘅經典恐怖電影《月光光心慌慌 Halloween》喺 40 年間,已經發展咗十部後續作品,如今系列嘅第十一部即將恐怖面世,今次呢集連首部嘅導 John Carpenter都有參與,仲話會係系列最恐怖嘅一集!想知呢個經典面具殺手故事會有咩發展,104號萬聖節前先嚇番餐飽啦!

Jamie Lee Curtis returns to her iconic role as Laurie Strode from the 1978 film Halloween, who comes to her final confrontation with Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago.

In Hong Kong theatres October 31, 2018 (Wednesday).

聖誕怪怪傑 Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch

聖誕怪怪傑由Dr. Seuss嘅經典夢幻故事改編,又請到實力派男神Benedict Cumberbatch聲演聖誕怪怪傑 (Grinch,仲要係壞蛋獎門人嘅創意班底打造,質素一定有保證。咪以為呢套電影係為慶祝聖誕節而設!聖誕怪怪傑頂唔順濃厚嘅節日氣氛,為咗耳根清淨,決定要偷走聖誕呢個一年一度嘅大日子,所以假扮聖誕老人周圍搞搞震! 想知佢會唔會成功,126日約定你!

“I could use a little social interaction…” (The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, 2000) Well, grab your friends and watch the 2018 fantasy musical of The Grinch! Although not portrayed by the hilarious award-winning Jim Carrey, Benedict Cumberbatch will lead the way as he presents the audience with the Grinch’s heart moving origin story.

In Hong Kong theatres December 6, 2018 (Thursday).

水行俠 Aquaman

DC電影水行俠卡士強勁,有Jason Momoa飾演水行俠, Amber Heard飾演水行俠女友、仲有影后Nicole Kidman飾演水行俠媽媽㖭,睇黎真係來勢洶洶!加上,主角同導演都紛紛透露過,呢套獨立電影同正義聯盟入面嘅水行俠會大有不同,觀眾見到佢嘅父母相遇經過,仲有水行俠嘅坎坷身世。呢套重頭戲會喺1221號聖誕檔期喺美國上映,相信香港戲迷都會差唔多時候睇到。

Is Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones) not the coolest actor to play Aquaman? No, just me? Alright. Get ready for the sixth installment in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) as events follow directly after Justice League (2017). The reluctant ruler of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis is caught in a battle between surface dwellers that threaten his oceans and his own people, who are ready to lash out and invade the surface.

In Hong Kong theatres December 13, 2018 (Thursday).

Image result for spiderman spider verse蜘蛛俠:跳入蜘蛛宇宙 Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse

動畫版故事講述非裔混血青年Miles Morales 有一日發現自己擁有特殊力量,而大家熟悉一代蜘蛛俠 Peter Parker 仲現身教路,幫佢成爲另一個守護城市嘅蜘蛛俠。真人版嘅蜘蛛俠早已深入民心,唔知今次動畫版又可唔可以俘虜觀眾嘅心呢?126號一齊拭目以待啦!睇新戲之前,不妨都重溫一下經典漫畫版蜘蛛俠啦!

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is an upcoming American computer-animated superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Miles Morales / Spider-Man. It is set in an alternate universe from Sony’s other Spider-Man properties but introduces a shared multiverse. In this new animation, Miles Morales must juggle his high school life with his status as a superhero, as he is introduced to the “Spider-Verse” where there can be more than one Spider-Man.

In Hong Kong theatres December 20, 2018 (Thursday).

魔法保姆 Mary Poppins Returns

魔法保姆係1964歡樂滿人間(Mary Poppins)五十幾年後嘅續集,由Emily Blunt主演。續集故事設定喺1930年代嘅倫敦,Mr. Banks嘅仔女JaneMichael已經長大成人,事緣Michael經歷喪親之痛,於是Mary決定重返Mr. Banks屋企,再次為佢哋一家人重拾生趣。電影會年尾喺美國上映,出年一月就會同香港觀眾見面喇。

I’m Mary Poppins, y’all! Wrong movie? Based on the book series by P. L. Travers and a sequel film to 1964’s Mary PoppinsMary Poppins Returns is an upcoming American musical fantasy film. Set in 1930s London, Jane and Michael Banks are now grown-up. After Michael’s wife’s death, Mary Poppins reunites with the Banks family.

We might be cheating a little with this one because, after its late 2018 release, it will only be available until January 31, 2019 in Hong Kong.


媽媽咪呀!開心再嚟 Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

由奧斯卡影后梅姨同Amanda Seyfried主演嘅Mamma Mia 話咁快就上映超過10周年。適逢La La Land再次掀起歌舞片熱潮,呢套令人又笑又喊,充滿溫情嘅電影終於都有第二集喇!今次續集繼續由原班人馬主演,講述Sophie重回故地,尋找媽媽Donna過去的足跡,大家準備好719日一齊載歌載舞啦!上集嘅音樂咁紅,唱到街知巷聞,不如去買番隻原聲大碟聽下啦!

Ten years later arrives the fun sequel and prequel to the 2008 film Mamma Mia!, on the Greek island of Kalokairi, Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) is pregnant with Sky’s (Dominic Cooper) child while running her mother’s (Meryl Streep) villa. Her relationship with Sky has been turbulent and complicated for a while. Self-conflicted and worried that she can’t do it by herself without her mother around, but with Tanya (Christine Baranski) and Rosie’s (Julie Walters) guidance, Sophie will find out more of Donna’s past.

In Hong Kong theatres July 19, 2018 (Thursday).

this is good popcorn GIF by REYKON

Enjoy the rest of your 2018!


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