

Summer has officially descended from the heavens, which means it’s time for another wardrobe change! Here is Carousell’s roundup of the top fashion trends for both genders to keep an eye out for this summer! (Scroll down a bit to view Men’s Fashion Trends 2018)

女裝潮流1: 紫色

每年萬眾期待既Pantone colour已經出爐,就係UltraViolet紫色喇!紫色俾人一種神秘高貴既感覺,而粉色系既薰衣草紫色就多添一份溫柔可愛,唔同年齡同風格既女仔都駕馭得到!彩通 (Pantone Inc.) 一直都係潮流指標之一,相信唔同品牌都會陸續推介紫色產品,大家記住入手番件紫色單品喇!

Women’s Trend #1: Ultra Violet

Since 2000, the Pantone Color Institute declares a particular color “Color of the Year”. Twice a year the company hosts, in a European capital, a secret meeting of representatives from various nations’ color standards groups choose a color for the following year. This year, the color of 2018 is UltraViolet.

Complex and contemplative, Ultra Violet suggests the mysteries of the cosmos, the intrigue of what lies ahead, and the discoveries beyond where we are now.
– Pantone Color Institute


女裝潮流2: 碎花裙

碎花裙可以話係不老既夏季潮流,簡單一條裙就可以展現大方得體既感覺,配搭涼鞋夠哂casual ,襯高踭鞋又可以好有女人味,適合好多場合,十分百搭!而今年特別流行既就係裹身裙(wrap dress),去Carousell揀番幾條看門口啦!

Women’s Trend #2: Floral Dresses

This season’s florals come in soft pastel colors and vibrant hues, all of which are some variation of the garden theme. Soft floral prints offer a touch of femininity to warm weather style so you can bring out your girlish charm with every outfit and accessory you wear. Pair off any floral dress with a pair of sandals, or keep it classy with high heels.


女裝潮流3: Logo T-shirt

Logo tee可謂係今季大熱!由奢侈品牌到運動品牌都爭相推出Logo tee,好多仲融入左復古元素。呢個潮流簡直係懶人福音,即使襯衫唔叻,平時出門口成日諗唔到著咩都好,著件logo tee就唔洗煩都夠哂潮!


Women’s Trend #3: Logo T-Shirts

Logomania is back in 2018. Both classic and on-the-rise fashion brand logos have made their way back into stores and by proxy, into the wardrobes of your favorite street style stars — and they definitely make a statement. With the basic logo t-shirts making a comeback, such as Adidas, Levi’s and Tommy Hilfiger, it’s about time you hop on the bandwagon as well!

男裝潮流1:Dad Shoes

講到男士潮流必備,又點少得波鞋?相信每位男士既鞋櫃總會有幾對波鞋,甚至每季都要買幾對新既。今年潮流興咩波鞋?就係古老當時髦-Dad shoes!有名你叫,所謂Dad shoes就係普遍爸爸最中意著既老土笨重波鞋,今季唔少品牌都將推出左呢種設計既波鞋,買番對坐鎮實冇死!

Men’s Trend #1: Dad Shoes

A.K.A. the “ugly shoe” trend. As chunky and cringey as they come, expensive high-end design houses like Balenciaga have brought forth the bulky shoe trend and are also sold by brands like Nike, Under Armour, and New Balance. So, Dad Shoes– yay or nay?




Men’s Trend #2: White Trousers

White trousers can arguably be the greatest neutral clothing item of all. It looks great with any sort of pattern – be it gingham, stripe or floral. So why not get a little creative and use it as an anchor in your looks?




Men’s Trend #3: Striped Shirts & Trousers

Side stripe trousers go perfectly with the simple choice of a white shirt. Side stripe trousers are a bit of a statement and the best way to make the most out of them is to keep the rest of your outfit simple. This is not only easy, but you’ll look smart at the same time as being super casual. We recommend tucking your T-shirt in for an extra smart touch – side stripe trousers have a habit of looking a little bit too casual to some people (not us), so don’t give them an excuse to question your outfit.



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