見工最大嘅惡夢不外乎就係遇到好難答嘅問題,一時俾人搞到無所適從, 口啞啞。想做好心理準備知道面試官會問咩?放心啦!我哋搜集咗13條常見面試問題,逐條教大家點樣拆解!以下嘅指南十分詳盡,大家可以㩒入去自己最有興趣嘅問題,方便你面試前重溫。
Everyone’s biggest worry is getting challenging job interview questions they can’t answer. If you don’t know which questions your interviewer might ask, here’s a list of 13 common job interview questions.
It’s a pretty detailed guide so click on the question you need help with the most below to jump there!
常見面試問題Common Job Interview Questions
- 請你自我介紹一下。Can you tell me a little about yourself?
- 你對我哋公司有咩了解?What do you know about us?
- 點解你對呢個職位有興趣?Why are you interested in this position?
- 你最大嘅優點係咩?What is your greatest strength?
- 你最大嘅缺點係咩?What is your greatest weakness?
- 點解我哋要請你?Why should we hire you?
- 分享一下你喺工作上處理過嘅挑戰/衝突。Share a challenge or conflict you faced at work and how you dealt with it.
- 你點樣面對壓力?How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
- 你中意邊類工作環境?What type of work environment do you prefer?
- 你有冇擔任領導/主導嘅經驗?Have you exercised leadership or initiative at work?
- 工作以外有咩興趣?What are you passionate about outside of work?
- 你覺得我哋公司有咩需要進步/改善?What do you think we could do better or different?
- 你有冇問題想問?Do you have any questions for us?
While these job interview questions might sound silly, there are reasons why they’re so commonly asked by interviewers. Let’s start with the most common one!
1. 請你自我介紹一下。Can you tell me a little about yourself?
點解面試官要咁問? Why this question is asked:
Interviewers love to ask this job interview question as an opener. Your interviewers want to gauge whether you have the right personality for the job. But, did you know they’re also wondering if you have the relevant skills for the job?
Let’s explain how you can answer this question.
分享點解你適合呢份工 Share why you’re perfect for the role
試諗下你而家in緊ZARA嘅零售職位,你覺得面試官會想知道你平時中意打機定係中意時裝? 當然係時裝啦。你可以講下你平時有幾中意睇時裝雜誌,幾咁關注潮流。記得你嘅內容要圍繞同份工有關嘅嘢,因為唔好忘記好多人同你爭緊份工,你要說服面試官你先係最佳人選。
Prepare an introduction beforehand about yourself.
Tell your interviewers why you applied for the job and how you’re a perfect fit. Be sure to include relevant examples. Let’s imagine that you’re applying for a retail job at ZARA.
Do you think your interviewer wants to hear a story about how you like memes or how you’re passionate about fashion? Definitely about fashion. Tell them how you spend your free time reading up on fashion magazines to keep in trend.
Stay focused on the role you’re applying for because you’re competing with other candidates who want the job too. You need to convince your interviewers that you’re the perfect candidate.
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2. 你對我哋公司有咩認識?What do you know about us?
點解面試官要咁問?Why this question is asked:
The bottom line is, your interviewer wants to know if you’re serious about the job. They do not want to waste their time on interviewees who don’t bother learning about their company.
If you can’t answer, they know that you know nothing about what their business does.
Never miss out on researching the company you applied to before going for your interview. That includes reading up their history, recent news and it won’t hurt to know a bit more about the person who’s hiring you. Google and LinkedIn will become your best friends.
嘗試將自己同公司拉上聯繫 Draw a connection between the company and yourself
- 公司宗旨、願景
- 公司文化
- 公司營運、主要業務範疇
You need to find out what the company does. Here are a few things you can find out:
- The company’s mission and vision
- The company’s culture
- How the company operates and who or what they deal with
Show your interviewer you know exactly what their business does. But, you shouldn’t stop there.
Imagine you’re an organic food advocate and you applied to a company that believes in organic food. You must show them you know everything about it and how you believe in it too.
Pro tip: Take this chance to show them that you share the same goals and you’re moving towards the same direction.
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3. 點解你對呢個職位有興趣?Why are you interested in this position?
點解面試官要咁問?Why this question is asked:
面試官想知嘅嘢好簡單,就係你有冇正確理由去申請呢個職位 。
- 我好中意食m記,我想喺到做因為我想免費食shake shake薯條。
- 我對飲食業好有興趣,我想了解廚房運作,訓練客戶服務同溝通技巧。
Your interviewer wants to know if you want this job for the right reasons. Let’s say you’re applying to work at Nando’s. Here’s a quick trivia for you.
Which of the answers below appeals more to an interviewer:
- “I love Nando’s; I want this job because of free food. Who doesn’t like chicken?”
- “I want to work at Nando’s because I want to pick up new skills in the kitchen. Plus, I want to develop my customer service and communication skills.”
Did you pick the second answer to the trivia? If you did, bingo!
Interviewers want meaningful answers. They want to know you’re ambitious for the proper reasons.
表現出正確嘅動機 Show that you have the right motivations
- 表現出你對呢份工/呢個行業嘅熱情
- 解釋你有幾適合呢份工
- 話俾人聽你想點樣發展自己嘅技能,同埋你可以點樣貢獻公司
The key to answering this question is to:
- Express your passion for the job or sector
- Explain how the job is a good fit for you
- Tell them how you want to develop your skills and contribute to the company’s objectives
Cover these three areas. You’ll nail this common job interview question if you do.
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4. 你最大嘅優點係咩?What is your greatest strength?
點解面試官要咁問?Why this question is asked:
Your interviewers ask this question to gauge how self-aware you are of your abilities. To tell you the truth, they want to know how useful your strength is for their company.
How do you approach this question?
一擊即中,令人想即刻請你 Make them want to hire you on the spot
- 我溝通能力好好。
- 我擅於處理衝突。
- 我人際關係好好。
You need to think about how your strength sets you apart from other candidates. Show the interviewers how valuable you are.
Imagine you’re applying for a position at the airport. Everyone’s going to claim these strengths:
- “I have excellent communication skills.”
- “I know how to handle a conflict.”
- “I have good people skills.”
These reasons are valuable. But, if you don’t back it up with real examples, it means nothing to them.
Let’s say you’re so amazing that you can speak four different languages. Use it as your greatest strength.
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5. 你最大嘅缺點係咩?What is your greatest weakness?
點解面試官要咁問?Why this question is asked:
This is similar to the previous question. The main point of asking this question is to know if you’re striving to improve and work on your weakness.
Your answer will show that you’re committed to upgrade yourself and tackle challenges.
表現出你有努力改善自己 Show that you are working on your improving yourself
- 選擇一個職位容許嘅缺點
- 解釋你有點樣努力改善
- 話俾人聽你會點樣克服你嘅缺點
Never reveal a weakness that the company cannot accept. Let’s imagine that you applied for a retailer role.
This role needs you to be good with calculation and numbers. Instead, you told them that you’re weak with numbers. How do you think that’s going to sound? You’ll never get that job.
You can follow these steps:
- Choose a weakness that is acceptable for the job you’re applying for
- Explain how you’re working on improving yourself
- Tell them what you’re going to do to overcome your weakness
It is vital to give specific examples of the steps you’re taking to overcome your weakness.
Let’s say your weakness is multitasking.
Share how you always keep a pen and notebook with you to jot down your tasks. Tell them how it helps you keep track of your day-to-day tasks and objectives. You can also share how you make it a point to check and update your notebook at the end of every day as a reminder.
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6. 點解我哋要請你?Why should we hire you?
點解面試官要咁問?Why this question is asked:
Your interviewer wants to see if you can offer something different. They also want to know how committed you can be and if you can value-add to their company’s portfolio.
分享點解你適合呢個崗位 Share exactly why you suit the position
- 職位需要嘅技術
- 公司嘅宗旨同願景
Find these details out first:
- The relevant skills that the role requires
- The company’s mission and vision
Tell them that you have the relevant skills they want. If you can show it to them, that’s better.
You should emphasize how you’re committed to contributing to the company’s mission.
If you’re in it for the long run, tell them. Interviewers appreciate applicants who have a strong desire to grow and contribute.
Pro tip: Never give vague or short answers. Always elaborate and explain why you’re the perfect candidate for the job.
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7. 分享一下你喺工作上處理過嘅挑戰/衝突。Share a challenge or conflict you faced at work and how you dealt with it.
點解面試官要咁問?Why this question is asked:
Interviewers ask this question to find out how you respond to conflict and determine if you are calm and composed during times of stress.
The last thing they want to do is hire a person who has nervous breakdowns or anger management problems.
分享下你點樣處理艱難嘅局面,最終達成皆大歡喜嘅結局 Share how you handle a tough situation to reach a happy resolution
- 情景 (Situation)
- 職責 (Task)
- 行動 (Action)
- 成果 (Resolution)
情景: 客人因為等咗食物好耐都未到而十分不滿
職責: 作為侍應,你嘅職責就係平息客人怒火,而且要盡快將食物送上。
行動: 你會平心靜氣,有禮貌咁向客人道歉,並且解釋因為廚師對食物質素好有要求,所以烹調時間會稍長。然後,你會送上一杯免費飲品去補償客人,等佢等候食物期間都可以先享受飲品。
成果: 客人冷靜落嚟,理解你嘅解釋,亦會滿意你嘅補償,耐心咁等食物送到。
It’s your perfect chance to impress the interviewer. Instead of sharing a previous experience, here’s a little trick I use… Ask your interviewer to throw you a situation where there is conflict involved.
Let’s say; they told you that a customer was angry that his food was taking too long to arrive. Tell them that you approach conflicts by using this method called STAR. It stands for:
- Situation
- Task
- Action
- Result
Here’s an example of how you can answer how you handle conflicts based on the situation above:
Situation: A customer got angry that his food took too long to arrive.
Task: As the service assistant, your job was to calm him down. You also needed to deliver his food as soon as possible.
Action: You maintained your composure and politely apologized for the delay. You explained why it’s taking so long by telling the customer that the chef takes pride in his work to ensure the best quality. You compensated his long wait with a free drink so he could enjoy it while he waited for his food to arrive.
Resolution: The customer calmed down. He thanked you for your understanding and explanation. He was happy to wait for his food to come and he enjoyed the meal.
There you go, that’s a comprehensive answer that will impress your interviewer. It shows them that you can think fast and manage stressful situations well.
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8. 你點樣面對壓力?How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
點解面試官要咁問?Why this question is asked:
Similar to Question 7, your interviewers want to know if you know how to manage your mental well-being. Interviewers want to avoid hiring people who get nervous breakdowns on a daily basis. It creates unnecessary trouble.
分享你有咩方法排解壓力 Share your stress-reduction techniques
大家可以分享一下你會點樣處理壓力,想知道邊樣減壓方法適合自己,WebMD(relaxation techniques from WebMD)就幫到你喇!
A good way you can answer this question is to share how you manage stress.
First, find a stress reduction technique that works for you. Here’s a list of relaxation techniques from WebMD you can refer.
During your interview, tell them which technique you use and how it helps you manage stress. It reassures the interviewers that you can handle yourself.
You can also bring up a previous experience to explain how this technique helped you calm down.
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9. 你中意邊類工作環境?What type of work environment do you prefer?
點解面試官要咁問?Why this question is asked:
Interviewers want to avoid hiring people who do not feel comfortable with their work culture. A good job-environment fit is also a good indicator that you can be staying with the company for a long time.
表達自己中意呢間公司嘅環境 Tell the interviewers you like a work environment like the one you’re applying to
- Google間公司,睇下佢哋網頁嘅「關於我們」
- 問下有冇相熟朋友喺間公司做緊。
You should start by finding out about the work culture of the company.
You have two options:
- Do a simple Google search for the company’s website and visit their “About Us” page
- Ask a friend who’s working in the company you applied to
Let’s imagine you applied for an events job. It’s going to be busy, and you’re going to have to work long hours.
You’ll be moving around and interacting with people.
When your interviewer asks you this question, tell them that you love to interact with people. Tell them how you appreciate a job environment that allows you to be at your best.
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10. 你有冇擔任領導/主導嘅經驗?Have you exercised leadership or initiative at work?
點解面試官要咁問?Why this question is asked:
- 你有冇領導才能
- 你解決問題嘅能力
- 你嘅溝通技巧
Your interviewer wants to know if:
- You can manage a team
- You have excellent problem-solving skills
- You have effective communication skills
The traits mentioned above are all characteristics of a good leader. It’s almost the same as sharing how you dealt with conflict. They want to know if you can progress further.
諗下面試官最睇重邊樣特質 Think of the characteristics your interviewer will value more
- 情景 (Situation)
- 職責 (Task)
- 行動 (Action)
- 成果 (Resolution)
Before you answer, you have to judge which traits matter more to your interviewer. You can apply the same STAR method discussed before:
- Situation
- Task
- Action
- Resolution
Let’s say you’re applying to be a chef. At your previous job, you faced a situation where you had many wrong orders during dinner service. You had to solve it.
You can tell them that you handled the ticket orders that came yourself. You can explain how you rallied and organized your team to cook up the correct orders. Finally, you can emphasize how it all led to a great end to your dinner service.
Get creative, think of a similar situation and share it with your interviewer. Be confident.
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11. 工作以外有咩興趣?
What are you passionate about outside of work?
點解面試官要咁問?Why this question is asked:
Job interview questions like these are personal. The interviewers want to know more about what you do during your free time.
It might tempt you to answer this question without much thought. But, be careful. The interviewers want to know if you spend your time wisely.
分享比較個人嘅嗜好,但盡量維持同職業有關 Share something personal but keep it semi-professional
Compare your hobbies. Based on your judgment, choose the one that can resonate with the interviewer or the company.
Share meaningful hobbies like volunteering at animal shelters or helping the elderly community. If you don’t do any of these things, it’s not game over for you.
You can share things like how you love photography and what it means to you. You can share how active you are in sports. Tell them why it’s your hobby. A good explanation or story makes a big difference.
Pro tip: Avoid sharing hobbies like drinking or going to the clubs, they have no value.
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12. 你覺得我哋公司有咩需要進步/改善?What do you think we could do better or different?
點解面試官要咁問?Why this question is asked:
- 你到底知唔知道公司做啲咩
- 你有冇具創意嘅方法去解決問題
- 你可唔可以提出有建設性嘅意見,並且俾到可行方案
Job interview questions like these are tricky. The interviewers are trying to determine a few things:
- Do you know what the company does?
- Are you able to find creative solutions to current problems?
- Do you give constructive feedback with actionable takeaways?
They want to know if you can find out what works, what doesn’t and how to improve.
講真話,提出有建設性嘅意見 Give truthful and constructive feedback
第一步: 做足功課
- 餐廳冇主動接觸小朋友
- 冇提供兒童餐
- 冇兒童遊樂區
第二步: 提出有建設性嘅意見
- 開發兒童餐
- 裝修餐廳,加入照顧小朋友需要嘅設施
- 整一個區域俾小朋友坐低玩下油顏色
Avoid giving answers or feedback without suggesting a solution. That’s precisely the kind of things that the interviewer hates.
Ever faced a situation when your teacher tells you that your essay isn’t great? But, he or she didn’t say how you could improve. Drove you crazy huh?
I’ll give you an example of how you can answer this question. Let’s imagine you applied to a pizza restaurant.
Step 1: Doing your research
You found out that the majority of their customers are families with young kids.
But, you noticed that the restaurant lacks features that are friendly to children. They do not:
- Make any attempts to engage their young consumers
- Have a kids menu
- A section where kids can play
Step 2: Providing constructive feedback
Highlight the problem to the interviewer in a polite manner. Tell them how addressing it will work in their favor.
Then, end it by giving your suggestions and explaining why it solves the problem.
You can suggest:
- Developing a kids menu
- Update the interior to have child-friendly features
- Dedicate a section where kids can get creative with coloring books
Emphasise how these suggestions can bring more value to the company.
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13. 你有冇問題想問?
Do you have any questions for us?
點解面試官要咁問?Why this question is asked:
- 你嘅性格
- 你對公司係咪真係有興趣
A job interview isn’t only about answering the interviewer’s questions. It’s not one way.
You have the opportunity to ask them your own set of questions. Should you? Definitely. They ask this question to learn a few things:
- To find out more about you
- To know if you have an interest in learning more about the company
Grab this chance.
用你嘅問題去主導面試嘅剩餘時間 Direct the rest of the interview with your question(s)
Was that hard to understand? No worries. Ask the interviewers questions you cannot gain an answer to. For example, why ask a company how much revenue they have or how many page views they receive annually when there are easily accessible answers online?
A job interview is where you find out if the job is the right one for you. Ask for answers you genuinely want to know about, so that both parties walk away with some information. Keep in mind that the questions may change depending on who and what you’re interviewing for.
- 點解會有呢個職位空缺?呢個係咪新職位?如果唔係,點解上一手會離職?
- 你哋打算請幾多個人擔任呢個職位?
- 你哋會用咩機制評估面試表現,大約幾時會收到正式答覆?
- 公司來年有咩目標?
- 公司有冇遇到咩挑戰?
- 你喺到做得開唔開心?
You can ask questions about your role such as:
- Why is this position open — is this a new role? If not, why did the person who held this role leave it?
- How many people do you plan on hiring for this role?
- What mechanisms are in place for performance reviews and when would I receive my first formal evaluation?
Or ask questions about the employer and/or company such as:
- What are the company’s goals for the upcoming year?
- What are some of the issues the company faces?
- What’s one thing that makes you happy to come into work everyday?
Bigger is better? Go for the big picture with social issues then, ask about their thoughts on certain ongoing trends and issue but stay off the political side.
Be sure to clarify any doubts you have too. Do not regret missing out on important questions like your pay and length of the contract.
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香港地見工秘訣 Final Tips on Hong Kong Job Interview Questions
Thank you for reading this long guide! I hope you can answer all the common job interview questions after reading this. Now, it’s over to you.
It’s also important to dress properly for an interview, so pay attention to the dress code. Here are some immediate solutions:
Do you have friends who are nervous about their upcoming interviews too? Share this article with them to help them prepare for their job interview questions too!
Good luck with your interview, you can do it!