

Hong Kong is every photographer’s dream.  We’ve got fancy restaurants, refreshing hiking trails, amazing beaches and even renowned cityscape. Whether you’re a budding photographer, or just a normal person looking for trendy Instagram hot spots- Carousell has got you covered with Hong Kong’s Top 10 Instagramable Places.

1. Graham Street Wall Art, Central 嘉咸街壁畫


Covered in a 5 feet painting of historic local buildings is Graham Street in Central. Simply take Exit D1 or D2 from Central station and stroll along Hollywood Road until the two paths meet at an intersection.

Image result for 中環石板街

2. Pottinger Street, Central 中環石板街

橫店去開中上環,不妨順便行去附近既石板街,細味懷舊特色。石板街既成條斜坡都係用石塊一高一低咁起出黎,沿路有好多舊式小店, 大家可以喺扶手欄旁邊留個影。話時話,呢度仲係電影《花樣年華》既取景場地添!

Central is filled with lengthy slopes and winding paths but none as unique as Pottinger Street in Central. Referred to as “Rocky Road” in Cantonese by most locals, Pottinger Street is a slope layered with rocky titles sandwiched between small boutiques and resting areas.

3. Sai Ying Pun MTR Artwork 西營盤站浮雕壁畫



Sai Ying Pun’s MTR station is brought to life with contemporary artwork across its walls. Want a nice aesthetic picture but not a big fan of the scorching outdoors? Head onto Sai Ying Pun station for an effortless artsy phototaking sesh and capture these vibrant colors old-school style with a Polaroid camera!

4. Choi Hung Estate 彩虹邨外牆

彩虹邨係全港最有特色既屋邨之一,外牆同邨名相映成趣,油上繽紛既彩虹色,整齊有序,喺球場到影番幅靚相,成個畫面好有活力,好適合一大班人合照!大家不妨去capture下香港屋邨平淡中既風光!想去好容易,搭地鐵去彩虹站 C3或C4 出口又得,搭巴士到去到彩虹村丹鳳樓附近都得。

When it comes to Instagram hot spots, it would only be disrespectful not to mention Choi Hung Estate. The rainbow themed buildings are not only a popular destination for photo-taking but are also a prime example for Hong Kong’s local lifestyle. You may spot children running around the park or elderly taking an afternoon stroll. Nothing quite says home like Choi Hung Estate.

5. Montane Mansion, Quarry Bay 鰂魚涌海山樓

有名你叫,香港係大名鼎鼎既「石屎森林」,大廈當然就係起得密密麻麻啦。要數最代表到香港呢一面既景點,不得不提鰂魚涌海山樓。其實成座巨廈係由福昌樓 、益昌樓、益發樓、 海山樓同海景樓5棟共同組成既,當你向上望,就會見到幾座大廈會框成個長方形,好似包圍住自己,都幾震撼架。呢度仲係當年《變形金剛4》既取景場地,大家只要搭地鐵到太古站B出口行5分鐘就到架喇。


Hong Kong certainly lives up to its name as a “Concrete Jungle” when Montane Mansion comes into the picture. Montane Mansion was not only featured in Michael Bay’s Transformers 4: Age of Extinction (2014), but also rose to popularity for its jaw dropping cityscape during the night. This lively concrete jungle is easily accessible after a 5 minute walk from Tai Koo station Exit B.

Want to have pictures taken of you and your friends but don’t have a professional photographer? Don’t worry, you can become your own photographer on a budget with a trusty selfie stick and clip-on macro lens that’ll never let you down!


6. Yuen Long “Time Tunnel” 元朗「時光隧道」


Officially named NS220, this yellow and green tunnel has gained the attention of many photography enthusiasts. Located on Long Ho Rd, Shap Pat Heung, many travel afar just to capture pictures with a green hue from this tunnel.

7. Blue House, Wan Chai 藍屋


Blue House is a 4-storey balcony-type tenement block located at 72-74A Stone Nullah Lane, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, China. It is named after the brilliant blue colour painted on its external walls. It is one of the few remaining examples of tong lau of the balcony type in Hong Kong and is listed as Grade I historic building.

8. Sai Wan Swimming Shed 西環泳棚

影完建築,不如去影下自然靚景?摩星嶺入面有個舊式泳棚,仲有條長橋向海邊引伸,一望無際既大海映入眼簾,好舒服自在架!大家夾岩時間趁日落去番輯靚相,會發現其實香港都有好開揚好迷人既景觀!大家可以搭 5號城巴或54號小巴到廢物轉運站,落車行一陣經綠色欄杆既樓梯就會到達。

Nothing beats natural beauty from the vast sea by the Sai Wan Swimming Shed. Whether you are looking to take a dip or just a few photogenic pictures, get to the swimming shed by taking Bus No. 5 or Mini Van No. 54 and walk along the green rails.

Image result for dragon's back ridge instagram9. Dragon’s Back 龍脊


Some views are worth hiking for. With beautiful coastal scenery and easy-accessibility from the city, the Dragon’s Back is a popular escape that deservedly gets regular mentions in travel guidebooks. A short hop from the bustle of Hong Kong East, the trail provides stunning views of Shek O, Tai Long Wan, Stanley, Tai Tam, and the South China Sea.

10. “Instagram Pier” 西環貨運碼頭

話明要打卡post相上Instagram,緊係要去下呢個名為”Instagram Pier”既西環貨運碼頭啦!呢個景點好適合拍攝日落同鏡面倒影,影出黎勁有feel! 搭地鐵到香港大學站 B2 出口,再行大概 10 分鐘就會到達呢個潮點喇!

自然靚景唔係成日都影到,緊係要有部靚相機坐鎮,影出黎既相顏色突出,配合各種鏡頭仲可以玩下唔同效果!地點已經決定咗,但係未有Pro Pro器材影啲又靚又自然嘅相?依家去我哋今星期嘅特別推廣系列搵啦!精選咗過2000樣器材俾你!

How could we cease to mention Hong Kong’s famous “Instagram Pier” in our list of top aesthetic Instagram hot spots?  Instagram Pier is well known by the public because of its clear view of Victoria Harbour, a major tourist attraction of Hong Kong. In Instagram Pier, the view of the Hong Kong’s skyline, sunsets, old lamp posts, caution barriers, cargo pallets, etc. can be captured.



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