Do you feel an incredible urge to spring clean whenever you spend an extended amount of time at home? If you find yourself picking up clothes you don’t even remember buying or accessories that desperately need a new lease of life, you’re not alone. Here are some handy tips to make sure your items do not end up in the trash or the back of your closet. Towards a life of zero waste we go!
1. How to make your white sneakers fresh again
Brand new sneakers smell good, look good and feel good. White sneakers, especially, are super popular because they go well with everything. But after wearing it for some time, it is inevitable that it becomes scruffy and stained. What’s worse is getting caught in the rain and your white canvas or leather shoes get soaked. You don’t want that white becoming yellow!
Repeat after me: Protect, maintain and deep-clean
- First, protect your sneakers before you leave your house. Choose a shoe protector suitable for your shoes’ material – you cannot use a canvas protector on suede. Spray at least two layers all over your shoes so that it helps to repel dirt and water.
- Second, maintain your shoes’ cleanliness by brushing dirt and dust away at the end of the day. This ensures that cleaning it will be easier later.
- Finally, when it comes to cleaning it, choose a reputable shoe cleaner. Jason Markk is a trusted brand among sneakerheads and cleaning your shoes requires only a few drops of the cleaning solution mixed in warm water. Since you only need a little for it to go a long way – there are quite a few Jason Markk products listed on Carousell.
If all else fails, send it to a shoe cleaning service
4. If you think this is all too much effort, turn to shoe cleaning services for help! Whether you’re trying to clean your expensive leather shoes or your favourite canvas shoes, there are services where you can drop off your shoes for cleaning and return home with like-new ones in less than a week.
2. Where can you alter clothes or go bespoke?
Sometimes, it is a hit or miss when it comes to shopping online. If you have thrown one too many pieces of clothes away or aside because of how ill-fitting they are, it’s time to step into the world of alterations.
Convenient places to alter clothes in Singapore
You can find quite a few alteration services across Singapore.
In Far East Plaza alone, there are almost 20 shops offering alteration services, giving you plenty to choose from. There are also quite a few alteration businesses in the heartlands, even at wet markets! If you can’t find one, you can try businesses like Presto Drycleaners, which offers alteration services on the side.
If you don’t have the time or inclination to bring your clothes to alter, you can make use of home-based alteration services on Carousell where you can actually mail your item to them instead! Plus, it may even cost you less than going to a physical store.
How much does it cost to alter clothes?
It ranges from $5 to $50, depending on where the shop is located at, and the level of workmanship that is required. A tuck of the hem or taking in of a formal shirt can take about an hour, while a transformation of a dress where the bodice needs to be unpicked can take up to 5 working days. It is best to communicate clearly with the seamstress so that both parties know exactly what needs to be done and by when.
3. How to freshen up luxury bags so it looks brand-new
“Can I clean my bags myself?”
It may be tempting to mimic instructions on YouTube or even use Dettol wipes to clean your bags but don’t do it unless you want to risk staining the fabric. What you should do is to send your bags to bag-cleaning services so that they can restore your European bags to its former lustre. In fact, Bag Care does what she calls a “bag spa” to ensure your bag is sparkling clean and cared for. Looking at the amount of Chanel bags she has cleaned, you can be sure you’re in good hands.
Embroidering your bag is an interesting way to turn it into something unique. So if you’re looking to freshen up your canvas bags, simply wash it in the washing machine on low cycle first. Once done, you can mail your bag to this Carousell user who embroiders special designs on backpacks.
Keep your home clean and tidy, everyone! And that refers to your bags and shoes too 😉